My Galactic Awakening

It all started a couple of years ago in the middle of the night when a voice came to me while I was half asleep saying “Lemuria” over and over. Then to be sure I was going to remember it, the voice started to tell me how to spell it “It’s like the animal Lemur with an ia”. This went on until I woke up and wrote it down! Prior to this, I had been traveling down a road of self discovery and always felt like my spirit was flying away. It was a point in my life when I was having trouble feeling grounded and so I asked this question out loud before I went to sleep “Where am I really from?” not expecting to receive such a clear answer! When I started to research Lemuria the next day I was truly shocked that it was a real place here on earth that existed thousands of years ago and was unfortunately destroyed. As I read, I was filled with the deepest well of emotions and felt a glimmer of remembrance in my soul.

This was the first sparkle of gathering my soul’s star history.

I spent the next couple of years following a trail of clues from my guides with full surrender.

Of course I had many doubts along the way when my human brain started coming in to rationalize but I chose to quiet my mind and follow my intuition. I began to open up a dialogue with my angels and guides and receive information on a new level of spiritual knowledge such as the Universal Energy Laws, Light energy, starseeds, dimensions, density, galactic history and the call for help that Gaia put out to the Universe when she was ready for ascension. The most beautiful thing was that my soul remembered this information.

Throughout this process I synchronously found my soul family here on earth. A group of us that incarnated together to assist Gaia at this critical time. As we build our connection together we remember the intricately divine ways we have been in each other’s past lives and the galactic wounds we’ve carried here to earth to heal. After being shown that my role in earth’s ascension is a light gridworker, my quest for freedom and my ability to break free from the false 3D matrix made so much sense!

Essentially I work with the angels and other light beings to anchor the light for the higher energy grid that is powered by the high vibrational energies of light and love emitted from earth.

This higher light grid will become Earth’s new normal energetic field as more people raise their vibration to connect with it. It is my dream that each person chooses to anchor in their light so that the false lower energy matrix can be shattered and broken once and for all and we can all be free. During meditations I can feel the most pure, tranquil, loving feeling of life in Lemuria and I dream of this vibration returning to earth again for all to experience just as it is meant to be in the coming Golden Age. And so it is.

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